News Articles
Kevin Tierney
Abington resident and Springside Chestnut Hill Academy student won first place in the Global Youth Entrepreneurship Competition
Susan Pascal
You’re Never Too Young to Make a Difference: Pennsylvania High School Student Wins International Entrepreneurship Competition
Max Bennett
Chestnut Hill Student Wins Global Entrepreneur Challenge: Alexa Rhodes, a Springside Chestnut Hill Academy junior, won the challenge with her homeless support project.
$7K In Scholarship Funds Awarded To SCH CEL Teams In Global Entrepreneurship Competition
Rachel Ravina
Abington teen launches nonprofit to give backpacks of essential items to the homeless
Abington teenager donates backpacks to help young people experiencing homelessness
16-Year-Old Helps Dozens Of Homeless Teens In Kensington By Delivering Backpacks Filled With Essential Items
Drew Walker
#FindingTheGood: Philly teenager starts organization to donate backpacks supplies to homeless youth
Springside Chestnut Hill Academy
Magazine chronicling the news and events of Springside Chestnut Hill Academy.
Eric Moody
17-year-old aims to deliver 160 backpacks to help local homeless residents
H.E.L.P.I.N.G The Homeless Program Delivers 150 Backpacks to Homeless Charities
Television Clips
National Alliance on Mental Illness